

2015年11月23至27日 • 澳門文化中心
主辦機構 : 澳門歐洲研究學院

(Only English version is available)

The IP Law School is a unique initiative in Asia offering a taught programme in international Intellectual Property Law and its relevance for global, European and Asian economic development and innovation policy.

The IP Law School is extremely suited for trainee lawyers, Intellectual Property professionals with an economic or policy background, and master students in Intellectual Property wishing to enhance their skills at post-academic level.

Starting from the basics of the Paris and Berne conventions, the course covers the development of Intellectual Property Law all the way to the WTO TRIPS Agreement and the WIPO treaties. Attention is also devoted to regional arrangements, such as the European Patent Convention, and other new international and national initiatives. From a policy perspective free trade agreements and bilateral investment arrangements covering Intellectual Property, as well as ongoing negotiations in the area of protection of traditional knowledge will be covered.

Classes are offered in an intensive Socratic format in the course of one week by experts in the field. This challenging programme also expects participants to jointly prepare and argue several moot cases in a friendly, yet competitive atmosphere, providing a unique insight in the way in which colleagues from various jurisdictions approach international and domestic legal problems.

電話:+853 2835 4326
電郵: beatrice@ieem.org.mo



知識產權講座“The Promise and Perils of Non-Traditional Trademarks”
2015年11月27日 • 12:30pm-1:30pm
Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong
主辦機構 : 香港大學

講者 : Professor Irene Calboli, Singapore Management University School of Law and Texas A&M University School of Law

(Only English version is available)

In the past decades, the scope of trademark protection has exponentially expanded. Today, a growing list of product features—including colors, shapes, smells, gestures, and even video clips—can be protected as trademarks based on the assertion that these signs are capable of distinguishing products in the marketplace. However, the protection of these non-traditional marks has often been met with controversy, particularly by the courts in several countries. In her presentation, Dr. Calboli will address the “promise and perils” of protecting non-traditional trademarks—for trademark owners, competitors, and the public—in light of some of the most controversial cases litigated in recent years with particular attention to the fashion industry. Specifically, she will note that courts across several jurisdictions have resorted, or have considered resorting, to the doctrine of aesthetic functionality to counter the trend of expansive trademark protection and prevent granting trademark rights in aesthetically appealing product features that could put competitors at a significant disadvantage in the marketplace.

Irene Calboli is the Deputy Director of the Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia (ARCIALA), School of Law, Singapore Management University, where she is a Visiting Professor and Lee Kong Chian Fellow. She is also a Professor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law, and a Transatlantic Technology Law Forum Fellow at Stanford Law School. She teaches and writes in the areas of intellectual property and international trade law. Her recent publications include the books, THE LAW AND PRACTICE OF TRADEMARK TRANSACTIONS (forthcoming 2016, with J. de Werra) and DIVERSITY IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (2015, with S. Ragavan).

查詢:Ms Zoe So (email : zoesosy@hku.hk)




2015年11月28日 • 9:00pm-9:50pm
主辦機構 : 北京市科學技術委員會




知識產權講座 -“Legal Solutions to the Global Health Crisis”
2015年11月30日 • 6:30pm-7:30pm
主辦機構 : 香港大學

講者 : William Fisher, WilmerHale Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Harvard Law School

查詢:Ms Zoe So (email : zoesosy@hku.hk)



2015年11月30日至12月1日 • 澳門金麗華酒店
主辦機構 : 澳門歐洲研究學院

(Only English version is available)

The two-day Annual Intellectual Property Seminar offers a forum for IP professionals wishing to be part of a thought-provoking discussion on cutting-edge developments in intellectual property law and policy.

Distinguished practitioners, judges and academics from all over the world have contributed to this event. The papers they have presented have been published in book form by Kluwer Law International and Hart Publishing.

The 2015 event will cover the way in which IP law, policy, and management is adapted to accommodate disruptive technologies and major societal changes. This means that fundamental IP concepts such as territoriality, exhaustion, enforcement, and secondary liability will be discussed against the backdrop of new technologies (3D printing, internet of things, etc.) and new product design and marketing strategies.

電話:+853 2835 4326



2015年11月30至12月5日 • 香港會議展覽中心及元創方
主辦機構 : 香港設計中心

由香港設計中心首辦於2002年「設計營商周」一直聚焦設計、 創新及品牌趨勢。自創辦以來享譽各界,每年均吸引各地最優秀的設計精英匯聚香港,成為球創意工業不容錯過的年度盛會。

「設計營商周」旨在推動設計與營商緊密互惠的聯繫,藉此鼓勵 商界發掘優良設計及明白創意所帶來的價值和潛力。

「設計營商周」每年均吸引來自設計、商界、中小企及教育界權 威人士參與,就現時全球最關注的設計議題舉辦不同類型的展覽、國際論壇及設計外展活動,為設計師、商業領袖、 教育者、中小型企業及普通大眾提供交換意見的機會, 為21世紀的商業發展構建更加廣闊、難得的交流平台。

請聯絡 : 香港設計中心
一般查詢 : +852 2501-7986 / bodwenquiry@golin.com
票務 : +852 3151 8900 / bodw2015@swiretravel.com
網址 : www.bodw.com



2015年12月2日 • 香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈25樓知識產權署2501活動室
主辦機構 :

(Only English version is available)

The annual professional update provides an overview of all relevant cases and legislative developments of the past year from all over the world. During one day you will be brought up to speed on the major important legal decisions and developments in intellectual property law and policy. For this edition, the IP discussion will also include 3D Printing and Secondary Liability.

電話:+853 2835 4326



2015年12月3至4日 • 香港會議展覽中心
主辦機構 :


電話:(852) 1830 668



2015年12月3至5日 • 香港會議展覽中心
主辦機構 : 香港貿易發展局





2015年12月3至5日 • 香港會議展覽中心
主辦機構 : 香港貿易發展局


網頁 : www.hktdc.com/tc/worldsmeexpo



2015年12月3至5日 • 香港會議展覽中心
主辦機構 : 香港貿易發展局

香港國際特許經營展,集合全面的特許經營商機, 顧問及支援服務,協助業界物色合作夥伴,拓展業務,實現互惠雙贏。

網頁 : http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-tc/



IP Valuation Masterclass: Quantifying and Leveraging the Value of IP
2015年12月5日 • 9:00am-6:00pm
主辦機構 : 皇家特許測量師學會
講者 : Mr. Tim Heberden, IP Valuation Director, Griffith Hack
課程將會涵蓋以下內容 :
• 如何應用相關知識為技術,品牌和藝術品估價
• 了解如何應用以價值為基礎的知識產權策略帶來新機遇和途徑,為創意帶來最大收益。

網站 : http://www.rics.org/hk/
電話 : +852 3759 4105
電郵 : ichan@rics.org (Ms Iris Chan)



主辦機構 : 中國文物交流中心、廣州市文化廣電新聞出版局(版權局)


網站 : http://www.gzcrmc.com/



2015 IIIC第六屆國際創新發明競賽
2015年12月14日 • 2:00pm-5:00pm
主辦機構 : 中華創新發明學會

Competition Classification
01-1 Environment – Energy conservation and carbon reduction
01-2 Environment – Environmental Protection and Preservation
01-3 Environment – Green Resource
02-1 Health – Biotechnology
02-2 Health – Health Promotion
03 Intelligent Living Technology

網站 : http://www.innosociety.org/
電話 : (+886) 2 2778-2688
電郵 : choice@mail2000.com.tw


電話: (852) 2584 4190
